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Cowboy Bebop Remastered Review

There are few things in this world that can automatically connect you to an emotion response.  Sounds are one way and when I heard the bass start to twang and then the voice counting down "3,2,1 let's jam" and the horns kicked in I suddenly had a warm happy feeling come over me. I was back in my old apartment watching Cartoon Network's Adult Swim and it was the first time I saw Spike, Jet, Faye and Ed grace my tv screen. It was magical as I had been out of Anime for so long. And this wonderful series of bounty hunters and rocket ships brought me back to the genre. And it brought me back in style.

Cowboy Bebop is one of those timeless anime classics. It combines just the perfect amount of action and wit with a dramatic element that connects you and the characters.

Madman has presented a beautiful new set of the first 13 sessions of this great show. The updated BluRay versions brighten the colors and fill the stereo with the great sounds of that wonderful jazz soundtrack. 

BRING ON SESSIONS 14 to 26!!!!

There is not a lot here in terms of extras but that is ok because do you really want to hear a load of commentaries while you are trying to enjoy the story. Ok sometimes I do but here not so much. I just want the fun wild ride that is Cowboy Bebop. There is a beautiful art book included with all the main cast and the extras. Wish could get some of the prints for my walls.

So do I recommend this new updated BluRay version of the crazy bounty hunters? Yes, yes I do. So stop reading this and go buy it already.

Thanks Madman this BluRay made my dull week. You are welcome to send more. Now on to more Bebop.

Now to add all the techno bits for Madman: 

Cowboy Bebop Sessions 1 - 13 
2 disc BluRay 
1080i Pillarboxed
Dts-hd sound English 5.1 (Japanese 5.1)

DVD and BluRay Commercials
Music Videos
Textless Opening
Audio Commentaries
And a beautiful booklet of Art of Cowboy Bebop

So much BluRay goodness from Madman. 

You can purchase it online here

© SUNRISE This product is manufactured and distributed by Madman Entertainment under the license by Sunrise, Inc.

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