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PAX Australia - Take your gaming experience to new depths with Monty Haul Gaming Tables

There were many great booths setup at PAX Australia, in fact so many in the expo hall that I found myself in the Big Top so I could relax with some 3DS gaming, and it was in this space while watching the table top gaming take place that I spotted a table with a different.

Monty Haul make gaming tables. But what is a gaming table you ask? Well simply put its a standard 4, 6 or 8 seat table where the top comes off to reveal a great space for your tabletop gaming or scrapbooking collection. Whatever you want to do in there you probably can.

As you can see from the 6 seater table above, they are built with some great touches, that make them ideal for all sorts of uses. Each seat at the table has its own little place to rest either your notes, figures, or even a mouse and keyboard if you want to.

The recess that the tables sport is 60mm deep, and while it might not seem all that deep, it is plenty for almost everything. Each table also comes with a sheet of clear plastic that you can use to cover your game maps, so you can lay them out and then not worry about them moving or getting damaged. 

So no matter what type of gamer you are, these tables will cover you. And it also makes a great place to store the kids lego, to save your feet from stepping on it. And when your done using it, place the top back on and host a nice dinner party.

For more details on the tables, including price and sizes check out the site here

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