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PAX Australia - Game on the go with the MOGA series of controllers

While there were lots of companies showcasing their games at PAX Australia, there was one booth that showed off a completely different way to play your games.

MOGA is a series of gaming controllers that allow you as a gaming to take your Android gaming experience to the next level. Having gone hands on with them on the Friday, I can say that they are fantastic devices.

The base level is the MOGA Pocket Controller, and its designed for gaming on the go. With this version of the controller, your give a clip that your phone snaps into and holds there, so you can play your game without having to hold the phone. 

In the photo below you can see the Pocket Controller and how the phone goes in. 

The other option is the MOGA Pro Controller. Now this one is designed for the more extended play session or for use with your Android tablet. It does contain the phone clip, but it also comes with a stand to rest your Android tablet for those long play sessions.

The feel of both of these devices is fantastic, they are light enough and comfortable to hold. The buttons are responsive and the sticks provide a great degree of movement. While the Pocket Controller is designed for on the go gaming, the Pro Controller is the one I would get as I feel it would stand up to longer sessions that just the Pocket. 

But of course most people would want to make sure that the game are going to work with this device. Well the list of supported games now boasts Grand Theft Auto 3, Max Payne, Crazy Taxi, The Conduit HD and many, many more. 

If you want to learn more about the MOGA controller series, then jump on over to their official site. And if you want to purchase the Pocket Controller, you can do so locally through EB Games.

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