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Templatesyard is a blogger resources site is a provider of high quality blogger template with premium looking layout and robust design. The main mission of templatesyard is to provide the best quality blogger templates which are professionally designed and perfectlly seo optimized to deliver best result for your blog.






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Recent News

Ducktales Remastered

- using the pogo ability has been made easier, requiring just a jump and then the press of another button
- maps feature built-in guidance 
- one level in the original that had to be played 3 different times has now been reworked to allow for one playthrough to obtain all items needed
- these options can be turned off for a more classic experience
- one of the layout artists who worked on the cartoon helped with the game
- new introduction and end of level scenes for each level
- a generic bat found in one area of the original game has been replaced with a copy of the bat that appears in the introduction to the original television show
- features galleries, the ability to unlock a rare full-length version of the TV show's theme song and even the ability to swim Scrooge around through the gold in his vault
- the amount of coins that Scrooge swims around in will be directly impacted by how many gems the player has discovered
- features new end level
- removed the ability to skip through the entire African Mines level
- the shortcut is still there, but now the reward is some items

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