Home DuckTales Ducktales Remastered
Ducktales Remastered
By Unknown At Saturday, March 23, 2013 0
- using the pogo ability has been made easier, requiring just a jump and then the press of another button
- maps feature built-in guidance
- one level in the original that had to be played 3 different times has now been reworked to allow for one playthrough to obtain all items needed
- these options can be turned off for a more classic experience
- one of the layout artists who worked on the cartoon helped with the game
- new introduction and end of level scenes for each level
- a generic bat found in one area of the original game has been replaced with a copy of the bat that appears in the introduction to the original television show
- features galleries, the ability to unlock a rare full-length version of the TV show's theme song and even the ability to swim Scrooge around through the gold in his vault
- the amount of coins that Scrooge swims around in will be directly impacted by how many gems the player has discovered
- features new end level
- removed the ability to skip through the entire African Mines level
- the shortcut is still there, but now the reward is some items
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